The pains of learning Computer Science

The description should’ve been warning enough.

Learning to code (a connection of words I’m tired of hearing) is a pain in the butt. Royally. Always has been. Always will be.

So why do I choose this as my career focus? Because through all the pain, it manages to be enjoyable sometimes. The notion of building something using computer logic and creativity triggers a dopamine rush. But that’s the notion - the actual building part is still up in the air. Sure, if I’m at a point where the building process is fun, it’s fun. But many, many times I want to scream at my computer. Programming is hard.

But what makes it harder? The resources. No, there is not a lack. No, the quality in content isn’t bad (if you’re looking in the right places). But sometimes it just becomes absolutely impossible to sit down and read material to better my education. Why is this? Is it a lack of motivation? Perhaps a need to do something that takes less brain power? Or maybe, Computer Science isn’t for me.

Well, maybe that last one is still up in the air. I code, and in the long run I enjoy it. But Computer Science isn’t easy, and as humans we like things easy. We can say that hardwork brings rewards, but if those rewards aren’t staring us in the face we would still get demotivated. Then again, I could stare at a nice house and tell myself that if I work hard enough I could someday buy it, and still not find enough motivation. So, where is it?

I think I’ve come to realize that waiting on it doesn’t much, and finding motivation in some financial goal won’t either. I’d rather find random projects that require me to learn or apply certain skills that would evolve into learning that topic. That being said though, my advice going forward for anyone wanting to code is this - borrow from everything. Whatever content you can get your hands on to learn this stuff, check it out and give it a glance. Sticking to one solution won’t always work, at least not for me.